Once you reach out expressing interest, I'll contact you for an in-person meeting or Zoom call, free of charge. What are your goals? What are your expectations from me? What are your options?
If we come to an agreement, I'll get you the appropriate documentation and information to start the intake. I will analyze this information and propose options.
We will agree on a plan based on the options and discuss terms.
Time to build the plan! I will determine, based on conversations and feedback, a categorization and strategy to meet your goals. I will then start on your plan.
Once the plan is set up, I will send you access details. You will access your plan via the web and/or app FREE.
Time to put the work in! I will continue to track and analyze your progress and provide feedback as necessary. I will modify your plan as needed based on your progress.
Feedback can be through multiple mediums including text, email, and through the training app!
And it's not just about running. Are you strengthening? Stretching? Rolling? Eating right? Based on your plan, I'll help you get on the right track with those crucial items also!
With work and dedication, you'll make it to race day. I can give you a plan. I can give you encouragement. I can give you advice. But I cannot run the race for you. TRUST YOUR TRAINING! You WILL get to the finish line!